Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Lockin this Friday!!! 6pm-9am Saturday morning

Midnight rollerskating!
Michael's yummy lasagnia!
Games, games, games!
A trip to Casey's ices (if it's open)
Olivia's birthday cake!

*$10 cash
*Friends welcome....but eg MUST know ahead so we have enough car seats.
*permission slip from our web page
* sweet or salty snack to share

Monday, March 03, 2008

Enjoy spring break!

Sign up today for the mission trip!!

Times & dates for Ruby Jane Smith performances!

march 7...7-9pm...waterloo icehouse on 38th
march 13...3pm...nuno's
march 15...3pm..sittin in with jim stringer band...opal d's
march 16...5-7pm...with bill carter & will sexton...east side cafe
march 20...6pm...central market westgate
march 29...7-9pm...waterloo ice house 6th st.

Epiphany Labyrinth Walk

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